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Bussard Ramjet english francais
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ELF : libelf examples english
Code presentation : ctoohtml english

Unlink (macro)

Remove reference from this node.

o m_ring_unlink
o m_nring_unlink
o m_dring_unlink
o m_ndring_unlink
Because the holding pointer may reference the unlinked node, always set the ring holding pointer with the result of the call :
ring_ptr = m_ring_unlink(node, field);
It is highly recomanded to ensure that the node belongs to ring_ptr before calling the macro.
EMLINK null pointer found in ring link.
p_ring - (IN) The node you want to unlink.
field - (IN) the ring structure field name in the node structure.
0 the ring is empty, or the next node in the ring.

Alphabetic index

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from :, updated on Wed May 18 11:46:24 CEST 2022

Hosted by the courtesy of  
The stars ASAP english francais spanish
Durée du voyage intersidéral francais
Résolutions de l'ONU en HTML francais
Bussard Ramjet english francais
DWARF : dwarf2xml english
ELF : libelf examples english
Code presentation : ctoohtml english