Hosted by the courtesy of  
The stars ASAP english francais spanish arab
Durée du voyage intersidéral francais
Résolutions de l'ONU en HTML francais
Bussard Ramjet english francais
DWARF : dwarf2xml english
ELF : libelf examples english
Code presentation : ctoohtml english


o check_opt
Hold check option.
o f_ring_check_opt
Set or get check option.
o Ring
o Named ring
o Double linked ring
o Double linked named ring
Rings are linked list objects organized as simple loop. They can be hold by any of they member. A null pointer is also a valid ring, as it represents an empty ring.
Implementing code source is rather simple. The hard part is in the header which provides a continuous type adaptation, from user's structure to the ring selected member.

Alphabetic index

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from :, updated on Wed May 18 11:46:24 CEST 2022

Hosted by the courtesy of  
The stars ASAP english francais spanish
Durée du voyage intersidéral francais
Résolutions de l'ONU en HTML francais
Bussard Ramjet english francais
DWARF : dwarf2xml english
ELF : libelf examples english
Code presentation : ctoohtml english